AI Bots as a Service - AI BaaS
Community Partner
We can create a customised Mixed Reality AI bot installation to suit your specific sales & marketing needs - even your own bespoke 2D & 3D avatars!
Extend Your Human Resources with a Holographic Support Person...
Do you have the these problems?
- post-pandemic, a smaller, inadequate budget for sales & marketing?
- not enough staff due to illness or company cutbacks?
- existing staff scared to face too many customers due to viruses?
- need the latest info on products and services to be more efficiently communicated?
Here are our solutions
- an AI bot hologram solves all of the above by communicating, selling, doing marketing & PR for a flat licence fee or a one off purchasing cost for the hardware
- 24/7 the bespoke avatar can deal with customers for feedback, complaints, praise and testimonials
- customers & stakeholders are opted in for newsletters, loyalty points, subscriptions online to drive sales on and offline
- our AI keeps costs low to update fresh PR content constantly while AI BaaS innovations mean
- reduction of virus exposure
- covering for staff 24/7 not just during opening hours
- supporting staff in all functions of sales, marketing & general infotainment
+ the easy to manage content can include specialist PR communication tasks like education, weather, timetables, schedule changes, inventory additions & new events or products...
If you wish to sponsor or advertise through someone else's AI bot, then let us know what you'd like the avatar to say/talk about & details of your product placement campaign.
Please let us know about these 5 points:
- which languages you want the avatar to speak
- which cities and countries you want to have an installation/sponsorship in
- the length of time you wish to promote your products and/or services
- do you require external signage on the plinth & bot "shell"? Apart from the Conversational Commerce proactively conducted by the AI bot/deployed customised avatar in 2D (on a screen) or 3D hologram format
- any specific content eg.
- brand messages
- slogans
- jingles
- polls & surveys
- links to your company sites
- music, videos, images
- verbal/video games
- reminders, live schedules & timetables
to be integrated into the digital Conversational AI conducted by the bespoke avatar or 3D hologram figure (a person, logo, animal or object, designed by your company inhouse or a creative agency commissioned by you...