Voice is Leading The Charge For Creating A New Normal | Article

Voice is Leading The Charge For Creating A New Normal | Article



How big will voice-based interfaces become in 2020, and how will we use voice differently? This question is on the minds of behavioralists, technologists, and businesses everywhere as we all adapt to / create a new normal.
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Moonshot by Pactera EdgeVOICE GLOBAL SUMMIT EVENTS WITH MOONSHOT - we'd love for you to join us! 11:30 AM -12:00PM EST - Encyclopedia Britannica's Award-winning voice application case study 12:00PM - 12:30PM EST - Open Session | AMA with Moonshot 2:30PM - 3:00PM EST - Food Services Industry Case Study 3:30PM - 4PM EST - Open Discussion | AMA with Moonshot 4:30PM - 5PM EST - Happy Hour :) Unfortunately, the platform has some limitations, so we'll be using Zoom to run these LIVE sessions. All sessions can be accessed here:  https://bit.ly/3dc63ey ABOUT MOONSHOT Moonshot is an innovation studio based in Chicago. Our digital innovation focuses on emerging technology experiences and bringing these technologies together: Voice, Conversational AI, Immersive Reality, AI, and IoT to deliver intelligent and personalized digital products. We partner with global brands to discover, design, and scale mindful experiences people love using a proven approach: FUEL. Moonshot is part of Pactera EDGE, a leading global digital engagement provider focused on customer-facing and enterprise solutions. For more information, visit https://www.moonshotio.com. Our Voice Capabilities: Making voice and conversational AI lovable From defining voice strategies and roadmaps to designing and deploying lovable conversational experiences. We help clients break into the emerging conversational space. Voice User Research & Strategy Omni-device does not mean the same experience for every device; mapping micro-journeys elicits insights to strategize and prioritize against. Voice is an omni-device capability, so ensuring we think across your brand's digital ecosystem is a key to success. Voice Experience Design Knowing when not to interact, can be just as important as when we do. Build on the strategy to create the voice experience design - ensuring we're providing the right information at the right depth and with the right tone and personality. Voice AI, Engineering & Globalization Build the right way first, enhance over time, integrate with to evolve the neural, intelligent network and seamlessly scale across the world with NLP-trained accents and languages. Enabling the voice design in the directed devices and channels with an architecture for growth.

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